- Review Time: We need to review your listing before it goes live. This review process typically takes up to 48 hrs for Featured Listings. For Free Listings in some cases, it can take up to 30 days or longer.
- UK Businesses: We only accept listings from reputable UK related businesses and websites.
- Inappropriate Websites: We reserve the right to determine on a site-by-site basis whether a listing will be included or not.
- Accuracy of Information: Business name, address, phone number, website, and other details must be correct and up to date.
- Active Website: Your business must have a fully functional and active website to qualify for inclusion in our business directory.
- Relevant Category Placement: Listings should be submitted under the appropriate category to ensure accurate classification.
- No Duplicates: Duplicate listings for the same business are usually not allowed to maintain database integrity.
- No Spam or Keyword Stuffing: Business descriptions should be natural and informative, avoiding excessive keywords or promotional language.
- Appropriate Content: Listings must not contain offensive, misleading, or illegal content.
Disclaimer – All the information on this site has been carefully researched; however, we cannot guarantee that your listing or any of the provided information will directly contribute to the success of your website.